The Cupcakery Around the World!

Hi friends! Since I began blogging about the goings on in the kitchen at The Cupcakery in January, I must tell you how amazing it is to me, to see the number of people who have taken the time to not only look at my cupcakes, but to give my recipes a try, comment on my creations, send me emails and list me as "favorites" on their own blogs and websites.

I see every single one of you who clicks on my website through the listing on the bottom of my page. I have learned the names of new towns from Texas and Montana, South Dakota, Louisiana to California and Maine, our friends to the north in Canada, and all the way across the oceans to New Guinea and tiny islands in Thailand. From Colombia and Botswana, to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus and Romania. Jordan, Turkey, France, Central Europe and New Zealand. I see all of you and we are united by cupcakes! To each and every one of you from all around the world in countries I could only imagine; Thank You for taking the time to see what I am cooking up! It means so much to me you have peeked into my world and you keep coming back to see what I am so passionate about.

For those of you who do not know this about me, I live and work at the United States Military Academy at West Point in the Hudson Valley. Thank you to all of my co-workers who must endure my endless cupcake chatter from week to week; thank you to my cadets whose loyalty and enthusiasm keeps me going; thanks also to all the baking enthusiasts out there who continue to inspire me and finally thanks again for coming to my website and reading what I have to say! This has been so much fun for me and I continue to look forward to "Cupcake Challenge" each week and what I will come up with! I will be writing for the Mad About Martha blog, so check that out as well.

