Martha Stewart's Cupcake Contest 2009: Share a cupcake photo for a chance to win Martha Stewart's Cupcake Cookbook!

Hi friends! I know, ANOTHER contest! This time I am not the one hostessing it. Regardless, I thought you would like to know about this sweet opportunity on Martha's website just in case you would like one more chance to win a copy of Martha Stewart's Cupcake Cookbook!

Martha Stewart's website contest could not be easier to win! Go here and upload a photo of your finest cupcake creation. Twenty finalists will win a copy of the book! It's as easy as, well a cupcake! So get to it friends!
Oh, and don't forget to enter my giveaway while you are here. I am giving away 3 copies of Martha's Cupcake Cookbook and 1 copy of Martha's Cookie Cookbook. Click here to leave me a comment AND your email. The Cupcakery giveaway for Martha's cookbooks ends on June 11th.

(Devil's Food Cupcake Photo courtesy of


Rosemary said…
Geesh, the terms and conditions for Martha's cupcake contest are horrible. You have to give them full rights to exploit your picture in any way they want, and if you win you have to let them use your full name, hometown, and likeness in their advertising if they want to. NO THANKS!!!
Wendy Joan said…
Hi ROSEMARY! I merely gave another option to win the cookbook. I hope you entered my giveaway instead! It's much easier! :-)
I think it's great that you are sharing this contest information for Martha Stewart's Cupcakes. I'm afraid that my cupcakes are too unattractive to enter in a contest but at least they're delicious!

Wendy Joan said…
BRENDA!! Why on earth would you say that!? Send me a picture of one of your cupcakes and I will be the judge of that!! There is no such thing as a "cupcake that is too unattractive!" Even Martha said "Homemade is best made because they are not perfect." You have something that is unique and special! Just like you!

Send me one of your recipes and I will give it a try myself! Best! xoxo
twopartssugar said…
If we are going strictly cupcake flavor...raspberry red velvet hands down...combo...white chocolate macadamia nut cupcake!
Anonymous said…
missed it! I'll have to keep a closer eye so I can join in the fun next time.
Anonymous said…
those devil's food cupcakes are possibly the best chocolate cake ive ever made/eaten It's my favorite recipe to use; i've made them about 5 times already w/ various fillings/toppings :)